Avoiding Fraud and Identity Theft

The things we do every day — from swiping our debit card to simply using our smartphone — can increase our exposure to scammers, and that can make us more vulnerable to fraud and identity theft.

How to detect that your identity has been stolen: 

  • Incorrect information on your credit report
  • Bills for items you did not buy
  • Unexpected withdrawals 
  • Debt collection calls for accounts you did not open
  • Denials of loan applications
  • Medical statements with charges that you do not recognize
  • Unexpected change of address


How does identity theft happen?

  • Your wallet with credit, debit cards or ID is stolen
  • Your trash is accessed to get financial information such as bank statements or tax information
  • Skimmer devices are placed at ATM machines, cash registers or fuel pumps to steal your bank information
  • Fraudulent emails, texts, or phone calls
  • Personal or financial information is stolen using online quizzes or surveys
  • Your mail is stolen or opened


How to protect yourself from identity theft:

  • Prevent anyone from opening credit in your name with a credit freeze (see sidebar links)
  • Do not share personal information if you don't need to, i.e.: bank account number, Social Security Number (SSN), or date of birth.
  • Do not answer phone calls, texts, social media messages or emails from numbers or people you do not know.
  • Collect your mail daily and place a hold on your mail if you know you will be away from home.
  • Review your credit card and bank account statements routinely. 
  • Learn more about ATM skimming.
  • Store personal information, such as SSN, in a safe space. If you can, do not carry it in your wallet. 
  • If getting rid of personal documents, shred them before throwing away or find a shredding service near you. 
  • Learn about how to safely use public Wi-Fi networks
  • Check your Free credit report.


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